Uncategorized – THATCamp @ The Lake 2016 http://lake2016.thatcamp.org Just another THATCamp site Thu, 02 Jun 2016 11:31:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.12 Rescheduled http://lake2016.thatcamp.org/2016/06/02/rescheduled/ Thu, 02 Jun 2016 11:31:08 +0000 http://lake2016.thatcamp.org/?p=179

We are rescheduling THATCamp for sometime in Fall 2016. Please check back soon for more information.
Thank you for your interest.

Register today! http://lake2016.thatcamp.org/2016/05/24/register-today/ Tue, 24 May 2016 11:41:34 +0000 http://lake2016.thatcamp.org/?p=176

Make sure you register for THATCamp! Registration is open.

Registering now will guarantee your spot for lunches during the event.

For those who have already registered – look forward to an email soon!

PROPOSAL: Mapping the Humanities: Intro DH Assignments http://lake2016.thatcamp.org/2016/05/02/mapping-the-humanities-intro-dh-assignments/ Mon, 02 May 2016 14:35:55 +0000 http://lake2016.thatcamp.org/?p=163

For a few years now, I’ve been invested in trying to make digital literacy one of the goals of a humanities education. DH approaches not only give students more familiarity with basic web tools, but students use those web tools to hone close-reading and textual analysis skills. I found that integrating GIS (Google Maps) into literary analysis has been a wonderful way of achieving these goals.

Screen Shot 2016-05-02 at 10.21.23 AM
A map from a project on Joyce’s Portrait.

I want to propose a session that looks at various examples of DH mapping projects in the humanities classroom. This might not only include those in the literary field (my own), but also other humanities fields. We might ask the following questions:

What goals do we hope to achieve by integrating digital components into humanities assignments? How can we better integrate these DH concepts into the course outside of just assignments? How might we use mapping projects to organize a semester-long project? What other kinds of assignments might be bolstered by GIS-based projects?

Welcome to THATCamp @ The Lake 2016 http://lake2016.thatcamp.org/2012/09/27/hello-world/ Thu, 27 Sep 2012 20:59:40 +0000 http://lake2016.thatcamp.org/?p=1

We are pleased to announce the planning of THATCamp @ The Lake!

This will be a two-day THATCamp, organized in part around digital pedagogies, but open to all the digital humanities.

The camp will be held on June 18 & 19, 2016 at the Lake Campus of Wright State University.

Lake Campus
Please navigate using the above menu to find more information!

Meanwhile, read more about the THATCamp movement and browse other THATCamps at thatcamp.org.
